Ways to Donate:

Credit Card; Paypal; Venmo or Mail a Check

One-Time and Monthly Giving Options

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A number of our benefactors use the Bill Pay feature provided by their bank’s website to send us monthly payments. We also have the ability to perform ACH withdraws. These approaches avoid the fees associated with using a credit card.

Email: staffing@chestertonstmarys.org for assistance in setting up ACH or automatic monthly payments through your bank.

Mail a Check

Mailing Address:

Chesterton Academy of St. Mary’s

PO Box 310

Hollywood MD 20636


A Note from Chesterton Academy of St. Mary’s Headmaster

Dear Chesterton Academy of St. Mary's community,

Thank you all for your tremendous support of the Academy, both financially and spiritually. What we are doing is monumental: reclaiming our culture for the sake of our students, our faith, and their future. The stakes have never been higher.

The task of educating our youth today is, as you know, of utmost importance. Still, what’s even more important, is that this education cannot just be about teaching our children to read and write; education must also be about instructing our children to be able to reason and to think and to appreciate and aspire to goodness, truth, and beauty.

For it is in giving our youth the ability to use their intellect properly, that we are able to actually free their minds from the constraints that our secular world places on them. Our students learn that freedom, properly and classically speaking, is not the ability to do whatever one desires, but instead to do what is actually morally upright and good. And thinking and reasoning are good, true, and beautiful. And, in turn, this allows them to become more fully alive and fully human!

As one of over 60 total schools worldwide — with up to 100 total by next fall — the Chesterton Academy of St. Mary’s, along with the entire Chesterton Schools Network, believes that this mission cannot be compromised, nor can it be done alone.

So thank you, in advance, for continuing to support us in this important endeavor.

May God bless you abundantly!

Andrew Pudysz, Headmaster

A Note from Chesterton Academy of St. Mary’s Board of Directors

Please consider making a donation today of $30, $90 $150, $300, $500 or more to keep classical Catholic education affordable and accessible to current and future high school students in Southern Maryland. Thank you!

Give to Chesterton Academy of St. Mary’s

Chesterton Academy of St Mary's is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation in Maryland.